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TRUE MEANING OF WORD SPARTA ( we have to be better :) )

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TRUE MEANING OF WORD SPARTA ( we have to be better :) ) Empty TRUE MEANING OF WORD SPARTA ( we have to be better :) )

Post  dundek Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:42 am

Sparta, the city state occupying the central finger of Peloponnese, was the greatest military power of Greece and played a catalytic role in her history.
The later Sparta did not produce art or philosophy, neither left us any written work, but its people were admired for their valor and for keeping alive the Greek values.


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TRUE MEANING OF WORD SPARTA ( we have to be better :) ) Empty Re: TRUE MEANING OF WORD SPARTA ( we have to be better :) )

Post  beita Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:15 pm

well, greek values are not very important in Sparta, they weren't democratics like athenas , but they got a very good army till Macedonians take the control with Alexander, who copy some spartans tactics, they are a warrior state, they train since they were childs to war.


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Join date : 2010-02-24

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